SMF - Just Installed!


Started by The Landlord, September 26, 2014, 11:07:48 PM

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Very informative to skip initial hurdles for effective communication among the members,appreciate it!



Lucy Edwards








Quote from: Admin on September 26, 2014, 11:07:48 PM
Hi all,


Before kicking off with the inevitable list of forum rules, I just want to welcome you to the Landlord Forum Project. We (myself and all the other amazing moderators) are ALL here to help and provide support where we can.

Unfortunately, in order to keep this place functioning like a well-oiled machine we need to keep some order. Here are a few rules/requests, which we hope you will kindly abide by:

1) Please avoid being a 'one post wonder'. This is the act of posting a question, which someone kindly takes the time and effort to address, but you're never to be seen again. If someone has made the conscience effort to assist you, please make the effort to check back soon after, not only show some mutual respect, but to also inform of us of your outcome/decision. Your experience may help others in a similar situation.

2) Please DO NOT write your subject title or comment with the capslock on. It's irritating and it doesn't give your comment any form of urgency. On the contrary, it will be deleted and given zero priority. Everyone's cry for help is equally important.

3) Try to make your subject title descriptive. For example, if your tenant is in arrears and you require guidance, set your subject as something like "My tenant is 2 months in arrears"

Try to avoid ambiguous and hollow subject titles like "HELP!" 99.9% of the threads created are from people requiring some form of help.

4) The only reason we're here is to help you. We want to help you, believe me. However, in order to help you we need as much detail as possible. So if you want a genuine response to a genuine problem, please provide us with as much details as possible so you're given the best possible response. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to help someone that doesn't give us the full picture (or at least try to).

5) Many of the same questions get repeatedly asked, so before you ask your question, use the search feature and look through the archives. If you happen to ask a question that's been answered even after using the search, it's not a problem at all. But at least take a minute or two to see if you can find what you're looking for before asking your question.

6) It goes without saying that any threads/posts that consist of blatant advertising and offer zero substance will be removed immediately.

Thank you for playing ball, it's much appreciated :)







Many Thanks and fully Understood....





I rent in Scotland, is this Forum of any use to me ?




Hi all, new to the site to please bear with me. After 8 years at my property couple are now splitting up and wife/kids have moved out. She is dream tenant, he is a nightmare and a compulsive liar. I was happy to give her a reference and asked that she serve me with a month's notice which she did (unbeknown to him). From what I've researched on internet it is enough if one party serves notice but suspect husband will not accept this as he has always been adamant he  will never leave. I am worried that I no longer have a copy of my AST as the couple had lost theirs and asked to borrow mine in order to apply for universal credit/help with nursery fees. Needless to say I never got it back. Husband has taken over rent payments (not sure if this undermines my case?) and I have asked that she date notice 31st Jan so I can notify him on Feb 1.

If not having a copy of the AST is going to be an issue I would be prepared to give him a  new AST in his name and make sure that it is totally watertight if need be  so I can be sure of getting him out at a later stage. Any advice or imput would be most welcome. Thanks in advance


Understood and thanks for allowing me to join the group.


Understood – many thanks, looking forward to participating.


Ck number 1