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Advice for serving Section 21 notice

Started by leicester_boy, April 06, 2024, 02:04:22 PM

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Dear all,

I am planning to serve Section 21 on my tenants. Can members please help with below queries:

1) My tenant has married and now uses her married last name for all correspondences. Should I use her new married surname or her maiden name on the notice? Her maiden name was used on the AST agreement but she now insists all documents must state her new last name.
2) Do I need to serve 2 notices – one for husband and the other for wife?

3) I will provide them with 2 months notice. Can I give them an additional week or does it have to be an exact 2 months. If I serve the notice on 12/04/2024 what should ideally be the leaving date on Section 21?

4) I plan to physically visit the property and post the notice through the letter box and take picture of it as proof of delivery (they may open the door if they spot me). Can I follow this up with an email copy of the notice to mention it was served that day?

I have provided them with all the relevant documents
1) Copies of EPC
2) Details of their deposit protection scheme
3) Copies of Gas Safety Certificates
4) Copies of How to Rent a guide

Is there anything else I need to be aware or cover before I go ahead with the notice please?

Many thanks all in advance.


1- Either. It doesn't really matter.
2- Yes, 2 copies (best choice, but one should also be OK).
3- It's a minimum of 2 months, not exactly 2 months. 13th June if hand delivered before 16:00 as you suggest.
4- Yes.
5- Have a look at the check list linked on this forum.
