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Introducing William James Coppin FSA (Financially Savvy Agent)

Started by william james coppin, December 14, 2010, 01:12:13 PM

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william james coppin

Hi, my name is William James Coppin - FSA (Financially Savvy Agent)

I deal as a broker and agent for my own physical property shares and I offer information and advice inside the UK property market for clients. I especially deal with information on property inside London.

the difficulty with renting property without a broker especially inside London is the lack of information inside most property websites on how to stop abuse of your property investments by tenants who abuse and dont deal with you respectfully.

I understand from getting abuse myself before i was a broker / agent that taking stock of the situation and using a professional who can deal with the tenants directly and someone who shares the inside information on property rental law is the best way to manage your investments.

Otherwise you could end up spending any inome you make in court.

Until next time

William James Coppin
AKA Will Coppin FSA
(Financially Savvy Agent)