SMF - Just Installed!

Temporary Accomodation

Started by Deedee66, April 10, 2024, 02:46:55 PM

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Hello everyone

I hope someone may be be able to shed some light on my little problem!

Last March I signed an agreement with the council to let my property to them as Temporary Accomodation.

Two weeks ago I received a phone call from the council asking me was I aware that the tenants had left the premises! I was told that my payment would stop from the day they notified me .

I went to the property the following day and it still had furniture ,clothing food etc as well as 4 sub tenants 🙈 The tenant had been charging them all £650 making a lot more than I was getting paid as well as getting housing benefit .........she has disappeared leaving the sub tenants completely in the dark as to what was going on .

It turns out that the council found out she was subletting whilst doing a random inspection and then somehow they've decided to cut my payment .

The council are telling me that I will need to clear the contents if she does not take them within 7 days of serving notice .Ive already changed the locks on their instructions which also cost me £350. It will cost me a few hundred to clear everything in the house. They  have also  left a car in the drive . Can I claim back from the council? They really have no clue when they dish out their advice . I'm frustrated and upset that the sub tenants have been left homeless and out of pocket when it was not their fault although thankfully they have now all managed to find alternative Accomodation .

I've got one guy telling me to invoice the council and that I will also get paid until the end of the 7 day notice period whilst another tells me that the situation remains the same and my payments ended 2 weeks ago ! It's all been a bit stressful !


What does your agreement with the council say?

You dodged a huge bullet with the existing occupants, they sound to have been illegally evicted on the face of it.

Never let to a council.