SMF - Just Installed!

1st ever section 21

Started by Goodlandlordandfair, April 29, 2024, 01:44:43 PM

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after 20 years of being a landlord - i have to go to court after a section 21 issued.

I followed all rules ie deposit - epc electrical - the tenant has not paid for 6 months - the inusurers gave me the legal contact and we now have a date.

I am worried as I have done everything correct but it might go against me in court. No requests for repairs - (confirmed by letting agent etc)
ANy thoughts?


I also followed the s21 flow chart - as it was done through a letting agent, everything has been done accoring to the rules.

I do not believe the agents actually checked any references - i also believe the tenant has a dog which I have been notified of.

It has caused so much distress, I am shocked this is even legal.


If you've followed the flowchart and everything's been done properly, there's not much that the tenant can do about the notice. A valid section 21 notice has no defence available. The only issues that can arise is if there's something to make it invalid.

There's every chance that the tenant won't turn up to court unless they file a defence beforehand. There's not much point in them attending otherwise. It's a short fairly informal hearing, usually in a meeting room with the judge, you, the tenant and (possibly) their legal support. It should take about 10 minutes - if it starts to take longer than that the chances are the judge will schedule another, longer, session.

There's not much you can do if the tenant wants to have a dog, even if it's not allowed, a court won't evict a tenant for having a pet.