SMF - Just Installed!


Started by barnbougle, March 10, 2024, 06:55:32 PM

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I have a tenant who was responsible for paying his own electricity bills.He was eventually cut off after running up arrears of around £8000.They are in his names so,having double checked,I know they're not my responsibility.However,the next door flat is rented by his brother.He moved there a year earlier and his rent does include electricity.The tenant in arrears simply runs extensions to his brothers flat and uses the electricity there with the result my bill has shot up.I was unaware of the reason for this until I had some decorators in both flats who saw the extensions and both brothers boasted about getting one over on me.The decorators took photographs and informed me.What's my next step?



Is your question because you believe you need some kind of evidence of what's been going on?

I don't think you need that to act. Once your Tenants are laughing about you, at your expense, to complete strangers then the veneer of a business relationship has entirely evaporated - you have become a mark. I'd be doing all I needed to do to make them homeless, out of anger. I'd communicate to them calmly and softly that you've been left with no choice, you've been forced to do this, but it's all their own fault. I'd go all the way, on principle, unless I sensed any kind of contrition coupled with a promise to make things right (you don't know how, but some kind of offer) - and I'd be very challenging to convince. I'd then either decline any reference request, or ensure I had comment space to be descriptive. I don't know if they'll learn from this, but you can try to help them.


I agree with both replies above. Total no- brainer. Act now.   

Simon Pambin

Quote from: heavykarma on March 11, 2024, 12:49:36 PMI agree with both replies above. Total no- brainer. Act now. 

So you're saying it's time to ... pull the plug?  8)


It' s the way you tell them. You should be writing jokes for the likes of Milton Jones. x


Quote from: Simon Pambin on March 11, 2024, 03:59:45 PMSo you're saying it's time to ... pull the plug?  8)

Well played!

Every time I start to think about moving on from reading this forum (being an ex-LL and all that), you pull me back.

The other regulars (you know who you are) do likewise, so I guess I'm stuck here for quite some time to come  :)


This is The Hotel California- you will never leave. I dropped by to ask something ( sorry,"Snivel" according to Hippogriff) years ago. It' s too late for me now. 


"snivel" sounds too decorous for me.

You have proven your mettle since those dark days, for sure. I'd say you're one of the harder ones here, one of the less sympathetic ones. I know it's all an act, but still... good show.


You my lovely have mellowed with time, perhaps we have brought out some hidden side in each other ?


I am not clear how they are costing you, certainly if they were running the wires to

I would a smart meter into the brothers flat and give him a break on the rent.  If it is already a smart meter inform the energy company that there is tampering and ask them to move it to debt mode.

If he was running a cable to your property or to a communal plug or device that would be theft.

Evict them both, be pleased give give references.

Quote from: barnbougle on March 10, 2024, 06:55:32 PMI have a tenant who was responsible for paying his own electricity bills.He was eventually cut off after running up arrears of around £8000.They are in his names so,having double checked,I know they're not my responsibility.However,the next door flat is rented by his brother.He moved there a year earlier and his rent does include electricity.The tenant in arrears simply runs extensions to his brothers flat and uses the electricity there with the result my bill has shot up.I was unaware of the reason for this until I had some decorators in both flats who saw the extensions and both brothers boasted about getting one over on me.The decorators took photographs and informed me.What's my next step?