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Letting Agent Statements and Invoices

Started by jeza, January 16, 2025, 11:41:49 AM

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I have a ltd company and usually I need to keep invoices for repairs and maintenence of the property. For HMRC purposes would I need to request the invoices related to the statement I get from the letting agent managing my property ?

I have asked my accountant on this and had mixed responses from other landlords. My accountant says yes you should keep the invoices just in case for 7 years if ever enquired about by HMRC.

In practise what happens is some agents do not like to give out the invoices on repairs when using their tradesmen as  the y take a cut or a refferal fee.

Just wondering what other people think, specifically if you own a property with in a LTD company or LLP.



If the agent sends you the rent with an amount deducted from it for work done, you're buying that work from the agent, so there is no other invoice involving you. The tradesmen's invoices to the agent (and the rates and values) are academic as far as you're concerned.