SMF - Just Installed!

Advice on fire safety

Started by AAJay, April 17, 2024, 02:07:32 PM

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Hi All,
My management company asked me to install smoke detectors in every bedroom additionally to the original smoke detectors (all interlinked) in the hallway for each floor however they have stated that there is not a heat source or smoke detector in the kitchen and I need to get that done. Can I used a sealed smoke or heat detector to avoiding conduit/trunking on the ceiling?

Any advice would be appreciated.


If this is an HMO, you'll need an interlinked alarm system, and I'd have thought that would include the kitchen heat detectors. I'd ask the agent, though, this sounds like their fire risk assessment.


This a short term let i.e. Airbnb/ property, i'm not sure if that's classed as an HMO.


Not if no one lives there. I'd ask the agent for the requirements in that case.


Agree, thanks for your advice.


Interlinking can be done wirelesslylylylylyly these days, no?

Trunking! Come in, your time is up!